TAG Kart
CITY: __________________STATE: ________ZIP:
BEST PHONE #_________________AGE: ______HEIGHT:
Register for each race weekend (or race day) on a
month-by month basis. Pay 50% deposit
when booking the event, with the balance due the week prior to the event.
Ø _____
Option #1: Individual Race Weekend
Cost Per Weekend: $635.00. Total Series Cost: $3175.00
Ø _____Option
#2: Individual Race Day
Cost Per Race Day: $445.00.
Total Series Cost: $2225.00
Series Registration:
Receive a discount by registering for the entire
race series in advance. Pay 50% prior to
the first race of the series, with the balance for each event due the week
prior to the event.
Ø _____Option
#3: All 5 Race Weekends
Cost Per
Weekend: $575.00 Total Series
Cost: $2875.00
Deposit: $1437.50 Balance Due Each Race Weekend: $287.50
Ø ______Option
#4: All 5 Race Days
Cost Per
Race Day: $395.00 Total Series
Cost: $1975.00
Deposit: $987.50 Balance Due Each Race Day: $197.50
Payments for races can be made with Visa, MC,
American Express, Cashiers Check, Money Order, or Cash. All racers must have a credit card on file
for off-track and damage fees.
Credit Card
Authorized Signature_________________________________________
I, the participant, have read, understand and
agree to obey the Rules & Regulations and policies set forth by
Signed: __________________________________Date: